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Your Problem with God

Do we really have a problem with God? If there is such a thing as a creator, you can be confident that we do. Death and all the pain and suffering ever-present in this world suggest that either the Creator is a sadistic monster or that he is making a statement, ...No paradise for you! Illnesses, starvation, and wars confess to this reality. In fact, suffering has been so prevalent in this world that even a religion (Buddhism) was formed trying to explain for it. And if God has no problem allowing us to suffer in this life, he most likely does not have a problem sending us to eternal punishment, either.
Thus, why is God so angry? According to the Bible, God warned Adam and Eve that they would die if they disobeyed him. So after they sinned, God kicked them out of the Garden of Eden (from paradise), cursed the land, declared suffering and pain as punishment, and subjected humanity to eventual physical death. And we should probably expect spiritual death also (some form of eternal punishment or hell?).

Your Problem with God

Among the diversity of contrasting religious beliefs, there is one idea that all religions agree with, which is the innate and inherent belief in some kind of afterlife. But what should we expect in this afterlife when God seems to have such a poor opinion of us? An encouraging observation is that we can see hope and opportunity also present in God's creation. We can overcome our circumstances. And in fact, God offers us a path to redemption and having life after death. But the existence of so many religions and contradicting beliefs points to a lack of knowledge about God and what to do about our problem with him. What so many contrasting religious beliefs indicate is that someone has been lying to us, possibly your priest, pastor, or the man of God. Although we still need to learn the truth because redemption is not earned; it is learned. And what you have been learning all your life is probably not the truth. Your Problem with God reveals what religion should teach if only they knew the truth! So how can we reconcile with God? This book was written to answer this question.

The top problems in the world have always been: wealth inequality, famine, homelessness, war, and illness. But there is another one you have never heard of, and this is indoctrination (brainwashing). Every ideology is an indoctrination, especially in the area of religion. We usually associate small religious sects with brainwashing. But established prominent religions are also brainwashing their followers. If you want to hear ideology, go to church, the mosque, the temple, the synagogue, etc. So, what is not indoctrination? The truth is not indoctrination. That is why every ideology claims to have the truth. But in the end, much of it is false. Therefore, an essential purpose of this book is to deprogram its readers. Some of them have believed all their lives in doctrines, beliefs, and ideologies that are actually false and misleading. Most chapters of this book offer more accurate perspectives about subjects that have been accepted as correct but, when analyzed under a microscope, prove to be wrong. Therefore, if you read Your Problem with God, there is a good possibility that you will become offended when this book contradicts some of your present ideology. The truth is inherently offensive. Your Problem with God is about rethinking God, and relearning truth. Read it!

Note: Reviews work great for restaurants. You like the food, you say so. But when a book, like Your Problem with God, contradicts indoctrination and brainwashing, an all too common reaction for some followers and believers of the criticized ideologies is to try to discredit such a book. In my experience, I discovered that many disgruntled readers distort the truth, mislead, or even outright lie in their reviews since this book contradicts their beliefs. Therefore, I am giving readers the option of reading the book objectively, and if it does not help you understand God and truth any better, you can ask for your money back, and I will gladly give it to you (This guarantee is for the e-book only, not the print book).

Ten things you will get from "Your Problem With God":

  • A look into the Creator God not distorted by religion.
  • Learn what religions should know about God but do not.
  • Discover a perspective of Jesus that has been lost in time.
  • Learn how the mind of God is reflected in his creation.
  • Learn the relationship between God, truth, and your mind.
  • Get a clear perspective of God as Truth.
  • Replace your beliefs in a god for an understanding of God.
  • Discover why truth is essential in your life.
  • Learn what is your problem with God and how to resolve this.
  • Most importantly, understand how to acquire an intimate relationship with God; one that is based on truth, not on beliefs.

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